Recap of Glendale City Council’s May 7, 2024 Meeting
CONSENT ITEMS 4b. Glendale Water & Power, re: Adopt Specification No. 3982 for Vault Dewatering, Hazardous Waste Disposal and Emergency Response Clean-Up, and Direct the
CONSENT ITEMS 4b. Glendale Water & Power, re: Adopt Specification No. 3982 for Vault Dewatering, Hazardous Waste Disposal and Emergency Response Clean-Up, and Direct the
CONSENT ITEMS 4b. Public Works, re: California Air Resources Control Board (CARB) FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot Projects Grant Appropriation
CONSENT ITEMS 4b. Public Works, re: Award of Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for Professional Engineering Services for Colorado Street Multi-Modal Improvements Project Moved: BrotmanSeconded: Devine
ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES 7a. Glendale Water and Power, re: Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 6016 Establishing the Electric Rates for Glendale Water & Power for Fiscal
CONSENT ITEMS 4b. CommunityServicesandParks,re:Authorizesubmissionofprojectapplication and acceptance of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Grants and Local Services grant funds for Fremont Park Renovation
CONSENT ITEMS 4b. Public Works, re: Appropriation of Measure R Funds for Multimodal and Transportation Improvements Projects 4c. Community Services and Parks, re: Professional Services Agreement
CONSENT ITEMS 4b. Public Works, re: Set Public Hearing Date for Vacation of a portion of Southeast Corner of Jackson Street and California Avenue at
CONSENT ITEMS 4b.Public Works, re: Award Pump Maintenance and Repairs Services Citywide Contract for Industrial Pumps Moved: DevineSeconded: Najarian Vote as FollowsAyes: Asatryan, Devine, Kassakhian,
During the recent meeting, several ordinances and resolutions were addressed by the Public Works and Human Resources departments of the City of Glendale. These included
In a recent council session, Glendale City Council addressed a variety of key issues impacting the community. From infrastructure projects to policy amendments, the council