July 27, 2024 12:08 am

Counciil Meeting Recap

Recap of Glendale City Council’s July 9, 2024 Meeting

CONSENT ITEMS 4b. Public Works, re: Downtown Glendale Signal Mobility Improvements Project Moved: BrotmanSeconded: Kassakhian Vote as FollowsAyes: Brotman,, Kassakhian, Najarian, AsatryanNoes: NajarianAbsent: GharpetianAbstain: None

Recap of Glendale City Council’s March 26, 2024 Meeting

CONSENT ITEMS 4b. CommunityServicesandParks,re:Authorizesubmissionofprojectapplication and acceptance of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Grants and Local Services grant funds for Fremont Park Renovation