Recap of Glendale City Council’s August 27, 2024 Meeting


4b. Community Development, re: City of Glendale Open Street Event May 31st, 2025

  • Motion approving the City Manager’s execution of funding agreements to receive grant funding from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) in support of the “Be Street Smart Glendale Ave Open Street” event on May 31, 2025.
  • Motion approving the City Manager’s execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Community Art Resources (CARS) to oversee the planning and execution of the “Be Street Smart” event on May 31, 2025.

The council did not vote on this item.

4c. Public Works, re: Award General Services Agreement (GSA) with Stearns, Conrad and Schmidt Engineers Inc, dba SCS Engineers (SCS Engineers), to provide operations, maintenance, installation of environmental control systems, and environmental compliance for the Scholl Canyon and Brand inactive landfills

  • Motion authorizing the City Manager, or their designee, to execute a five-year General Services Agreement (GSA) with SCS Engineers for an amount not to exceed $957,602.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

4d. Public Works, re: Accept Grant Funds for the Electrification of Beeline Bus Fleet and Maintenance Facility

  • Motion to accept $4,930,194 in Proposition C 40% Discretionary funds and $7,680,000 in federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program funds to support the electrification of the Beeline fleet and maintenance facility, and to authorize the City Manager, or their designee, to execute all necessary agreements, amendments, certifications, and documents to accept and implement the funding.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

  • Resolution 24-140 to appropriate $975,000 for the acquisition of battery electric buses.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

4e. Public Works, re: Increase to Construction Contract Contingency Amount for Central Library Youth Services Renovation Project

  • Motion to authorize an increase in the contingency amount for the approved contract (8002260) with PCL Construction Services, Inc., from 10% to 15%, bringing the total contract contingency to $979,074.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None


8a. Public Works, re: Update on the La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project

  • Resolution 24-141 rejecting all bids, waiving the competitive bidding process, and authorizing the Director of Public Works, or their designee, to negotiate directly with one or more bidders. The resolution also authorizes the City Manager to execute a construction contract for the La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project, Specification No. 3829R, in an amount not to exceed $14,750,000, with approval for a 10% contingency reserve not exceeding $1,475,000.

Moved: Kassakhian
Seconded: Brotman

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Kassakhian, Asatryan
Noes: Gharpetian, Najarian
Absent: None
Abstain: None

  • Resolution rejecting all bids, waiving the competitive bidding process, and authorizing the Director of Public Works, or their designee, to directly negotiate with one or more bidders. The resolution further authorizes the City Manager to execute a construction contract for the La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project, Specification No. 3829R, in an amount not to exceed $15,550,000, including a quick-build demonstration component, and approves a 10% contingency reserve not exceeding $1,555,000.
  • Resolution 24-142 approving the appropriation of funds for the La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project, covering the original scope of work.

Moved: Kassakhian
Seconded: Brotman

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Kassakhian, Asatryan
Noes: Gharpetian, Najarian
Absent: None
Abstain: None

  • Resolution approving the appropriation of funds for the La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project, including the original scope of work and a quick-build demonstration component.