Recap of Glendale City Council’s May 21, 2024 Meeting


4b. Glendale Water & Power, re:  Amendment No. 4 to Service Schedule Agreement (Contract No. 8000569) with Alliance for Cooperative Energy Services Power Marketing, LLC (“ACES”)

  • The motion authorizes the City Manager, or a designee, to execute Amendment No. 4 to the existing Service Schedule Agreement (Contract No. 8000569) with Alliance for Cooperative Energy Services Power Marketing, LLC (ACES). This amendment, under the Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA) Service Agreement, extends Glendale’s participation in the service agreement for two additional years for real-time energy trading and related support services. The extension is for an amount not to exceed $2,524,524, with an optional additional one-year extension for $1,264,170. The new total contract amount, including contingencies, will not exceed $9,193,235.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

4c. Police, re: Acceptance of grant funding from the United States Department of Homeland Security FY 2023 Urban Area Security Initiatives (UASI) Grant Program

  • The motion seeks to accept grant funds totaling $1,691,400 and authorizes the City Manager, or a designee, to execute an agreement with the City of Los Angeles. These funds are awarded under the FY 2023 Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant program.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

  • Resolution 24-88 to appropriate $1,691,400 from the Urban Area Security Initiatives (UASI) Grant Program grant revenue.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

4d. Public Works, re: Approval of the Title VI Program for Glendale Beeline and Dial-A-Ride transit programs

  • Motion to approve the Glendale Beeline and Dial-A-Ride “Program to Comply with Title VI Requirements of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a Federal Transit Administration Subrecipient.”

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

4e. Libraries, Arts & Culture, re: ​Acceptance of grant funds for Lunch at the Library from the California State Library

  • Motion to accept $8,290 in California State Library funds to support the Lunch at the Library Summer 2024 program and authorize the City Manager or a designee to execute all necessary agreements, amendments, certifications, and documents to accept and implement the funding.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

  • Resolution 24-96 to appropriate $8,290 from the California State Library.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

4f. City Attorney, re: City Council Regular Meeting Schedule for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year

  • Motion to Establish the City Council Regular Meeting Schedule for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year and Cancel Certain Specified City Council Meetings.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None


7a. Community Development, re: Ordinance Adopting the 2022 California Building Code as Volume IA, the 2022 California Residential Code as Volume IB, the 2022 California Existing Building Code as Volume IC, the 2022 California Plumbing Code as Volume II, the 2022 California Mechanical Code as Volume III, the 2022 California Electrical Code as Volume IV, the 1997 Uniform Housing Code as Volume V, the 2022 California Fire Code as Volume VI, the Glendale Security Code as Volume VII and the Glendale Commercial, Industrial Property Maintenance Code as Volume VIII, and the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code as Volume IX all of which comprise the Building and Safety Code of the City of Glendale, 2023 (05/14/24, Gharpetian)

Moved: Gharpetian
Seconded: Brotman

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None


8a. Glendale Water & Power, re: Introduction of the Ordinance Authorizing Issuance of Electric Revenue Bonds

  • Ordinance introduced by Council member Najarian authorizing the issuance of 2024 Second Series Electric Revenue Bonds

The council did not vote on this item.

8b. Police, re: Police Department Mobile Command Post designed to provide emergency command and control without interruptions during large scale events to include natural disasters, preplanned events, critical incident response, and acts of domestic terrorism

  • Resolution 24-89, authorizing a contract with LDV Specialty Vehicles for the design, engineering, and construction of a Mobile Command Post, with a maximum amount of $1,885,620, without competitive bidding.

Moved: Gharpetian
Seconded: Kassakhian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

  • Resolution 24-90 of appropriation

Moved: Gharpetian
Seconded: Kassakhian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

8c. Public Works, re: La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project Construction Contract Alternatives

  • Resolution 24-91 rejects all bids for the La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project, adopts revised Plans and Specifications for the project (Specification No. 3829R), and instructs the City Clerk to advertise for new bids.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Kassakhian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Kassakhian, Asatryan
Noes: Gharpetian, Najarian
Absent: None
Abstain: None

  • Motion to award a construction contract to Toro Enterprises, Inc. for $15,433,821, with a 10% contract contingency of $1,543,382, and authorize the City Manager or a designee to execute the contract.
  • Resolution to allocate $14,797,447 for the La Crescenta Avenue Rehabilitation Project.

8d. Public Works, re: Fare Collection System and a Contactless Open Payment System for the Beeline Transit Service

  • Resolution 24-92 waiving competitive bidding and empowering the City Manager or his delegate to procure a fare collection system from Genfare, LLC. The system includes fareboxes, related equipment, software, and installation, with a maximum cost of $1,214,073.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Gharpetian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

  • Resolution 24-93 exempts competitive bidding and empowers the City Manager or his appointee to procure a contactless open payment system. This system includes hardware, payment processing services, and a data plan, utilizing contracts with KUBA, Inc. and Enghouse Transportation, LLC under the California Integrated Travel Project (Cal-ITP) Mobility Marketplace. The maximum expenditure for this procurement is set at $278,141.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Gharpetian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

  • Resolution 24-94 appropriates $278,141 from State Grant and Proposition A Local Return funds for the implementation of a contactless open payment fare collection system.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Gharpetian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

8e. Information Services, re: Dispensing with Competitive Bidding and Authorizing a Dark Fiber and Colocation Master Service Agreement Extension

  • Resolution 24-95 authorizes the City Manager, or his designee, to amend the existing Master Service Agreement (MSA) with Crown Castle Fiber, LLC (Contract No. C106498A) for dark fiber and colocation services. This amendment extends the term by five years through June 30, 2029, not to exceed the annual budget, and includes authorization for one five-year renewal option.

Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Brotman

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

8f. Information Services, re: Dispensing with Competitive Bidding and Authorizing a Dark Fiber and Colocation Master Service Agreement Extension

  • Resolution 24-96 authorizes dispensing with competitive bidding and approves the use of CalNET Contracts for procurement purposes.

Moved: Brotman
Seconded: Najarian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

8g. Information Services, re: Dispensing with Competitive Bidding and Authorizing use of CalNET Contracts

  • Motion proposing a district map for consideration in a forthcoming ballot measure aimed at transitioning to district-based councilmember elections.
  • Motion giving guidance on a proposed district map.
  • Motion instructing staff on proposed charter amendments related to council districts, a directly elected mayor, and council compensation.
  • Motion to refer the district-related matter to the Charter Review Committee.

Moved: Kassakhian
Seconded: Gharpetian

Vote as Follows
Ayes: Brotman, Gharpetian, Kassakhian, Najarian, Asatryan
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None