4b. CommunityServicesandParks,re:Authorizesubmissionofprojectapplication and acceptance of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Grants and Local Services grant funds for Fremont Park Renovation approved in the 2023-2024 state budget
- Resolution 24-50 to approve the filing of a project application for the renovation of Fremont Park through the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS). The resolution also seeks to accept grant funds totaling $933,000 allocated for the project from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2027, as specified in the 2023-2024 state budget. Additionally, the resolution authorizes the City Manager or a designated representative to conduct all negotiations and sign necessary documents, including applications, agreements, amendments, and payment requests, required for the completion of the project scope.
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Asatryan
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Asatryan, Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
4c. Community Services and Parks, re: Award of a Professional Services Agreement with Biocom California Institute in an amount not to exceed $285,000, at $95,000 per year from January 1, 2024 to January 29, 2027
- Motion to approve a Professional Services Agreement with Biocom California Institute for an amount not exceeding $285,000 ($95,000 per year from January 1, 2024, to January 29, 2027). The agreement aims to boost employer engagement and offer technical assistance to colleges serving underserved populations, facilitating the establishment of biotechnology career technical education for the Board Foundation grant. Authorization is granted to the City Manager, or a designee, to execute all related agreements, certifications, and documents for funding acceptance and implementation.
Moved: Devine
Seconded: Asatryan
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Asatryan, Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
4d. Fire Department, re: Annual Weed Abatement Program for 2024
- Resolution 24-51 is being enacted to address the presence of noxious weeds on designated properties, which are deemed a public nuisance. The City plans to undertake their removal and will conduct a hearing on April 2, 2024, to allow for objections to this action.
Moved: Devine
Seconded: Asatryan
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Asatryan, Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
4e. PublicWorks,re:AmendexistingcontractforCitywideMaintenanceandRepairs of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (HVAC) with ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc. (ACCO)
- Motion to approve the City Manager or their designated representative to execute Amendment No. 2 to contract 8001439 with ACCO for Citywide Maintenance and Repairs of HVAC Systems, augmenting the contract by $852,000, leading to a revised total not-to-exceed amount of $2,173,160.
Moved: Devine
Seconded: Asatryan
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Asatryan, Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
8a. Public Works, re: Award of a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) to Administer Glendale’s Green Business Program
1. Motion to authorize the City Manager or their designee to execute a new Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Sustainable Works, a Project of Community Partners (Community Partners), a 501c3 organization, for $155,250 to administer Glendale’s Green Business Program for one year.
Moved: Devine
Seconded: Najarian
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Asatryan, Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
8b. Glendale Water and Power, re: Amending Ordinance No. 6016 Establishing the Electric Rates for Glendale Water and Power for Fiscal Years 2024 to 2027 to Add the Standby Service Rider for Medium Business Dispatchable and the Standby Service Rider for Large Business Dispatchable Rates
- Voting on the proposed ordinance introduced by Council Member Devine will take place next week. The ordinance aims to address missing rates for Standby Service – Medium Business Dispatchable and Standby Service – Large Business Dispatchable, which historically had no customers but are expected to be utilized by a small group of co-generation customers starting in 2024. Additionally, the ordinance includes proposed edits to the Standby Service Rider, including a Time of Use (TOU) option, to offer potential benefits and cost savings to customers.
8c. City Attorney ,re: Review of Mayoral Selection Policy Set Forth in Glendale Municipal Code Section 2.04.020
- The Council adopted Ordinance No. 5963 on March 30, 2021, amending Glendale Municipal Code section 2.04.020 regarding the annual selection of the Mayor. This section outlines that the councilmember with the longest continuous service since last serving as Mayor is appointed Mayor during the April selection. It also includes rules for tiebreakers and exceptions to this appointment rule. At the March 12, 2024 meeting, the Council requested a review of the mayoral selection process. A motion was made to note and file the report and direct staff accordingly.
Moved: Kassakhian
Seconded: Asatryan
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Asatryan, Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
8d. City Attorney, re: Amendment to Glendale Municipal Code Section 2.04.020 Relating to the Mayoral Selection Process to Remove Subsection (H) Pertaining to the “Best Interest” Exception
- Council Member Najarian introduced an ordinance to amend Section 2.04.020 of the Glendale Municipal Code, 1995, concerning the Mayoral Selection Policy and the “Best Interest” Exception to the Rule Requiring the Appointment of the Councilmember with the Longest Continuous Uninterrupted Service on the Council. The motion aims to revisit paragraph H of the mayor selection ordinance to enhance its clarity and precision.
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Asatryan
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Asatryan, Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None