The Glendale City Council discussed and voted on various items, including the adoption of plans and specifications for projects, allocation of grant funds, amendments to agreements, and adjustments to programs, during their November 28, 2023 meeting.
4b. Glendale Water and Power, re: Adoption of Plans and Specifications for the Glorietta 968 Reservoir West Cell Floor Rehabilitation Project
- This report aims for the City Council to approve Plans and Specifications for the required tasks of re-sealing the concrete floor joints in the West Cell of Glorietta 968 Reservoir, and to grant authorization to the City Clerk to solicit bids through advertising.
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Devine
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
4c. Public Works, re: Award of Construction Contract for the Permeable Alley Projects
- The City Council grants a contract to Toro Enterprises, Inc., with a total cost of $8,345,145, inclusive of a 10 percent contract contingency amounting to $834,515, resulting in a grand total of $9,179,660.
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Devine
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
4d. Community Services and Parks, re: Recreation Access Competitive Grant Program funds from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) or Metro for the Nature Education Program at the Stone Barn Nature Center in Glendale’s Deukmejian Wilderness Park for Fiscal Years (FY) 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26
- METRO awarded Community Services & Parks (CSP) a Recreation Access Competitive Grant totaling $252,755.46. The grant is allocated for the Nature Education Program at the Stone Barn Nature Center in Deukmejian Wilderness Park, spanning from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2026. The City is required to provide a 10% local matching fund amounting to $25,275.60.
- The project includes weekly bus transportation for the Glendale Outdoors (GO!) Program, allowing youth and families to independently explore Deukmejian Wilderness Park with complimentary rides. CSP will also provide bus services for school field trips in collaboration with GUSD and other local schools.
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Devine
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
4e. Fire Department, re: Amendment of Professional Services Agreement with Digital EMS Solutions Inc., to provide Electronic Patient Care Reporting System (ePCR) services to the Fire Department
- Sustaining ePCR services through Digital EMS Solutions Inc. remains the most cost-effective option currently. Opting for a different vendor would necessitate additional expenditures, including training fees for fire personnel, procurement of extra hardware, fees related to the billing company interface, and expenses for connecting to the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) interface. The modification of the current agreement is approved by council. (Contract No. C105518B).
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Devine
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
4f. Public Works, re: Removal of Brick Façade at Fire Training Center Tower and Exterior Concrete Planter Boxes at Civic Center Parking Structure Project, Adopt Specification
- Currently, there is a need to eliminate deteriorated concrete structures at both the Fire Training Center and the Civic Center Parking Structure. The purpose of this item is to approve project specifications and initiate the advertising process for concrete demolition at these locations.
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Devine
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
4g. Public Works, re: San Fernando Road Beautification Project Phase I, Adopt Plans and Specification (Pulled for Discussion – Item G was moved)
- The plans and specifications for Phase I of the San Fernando Beautification Project have been finalized. Upon completion, this initiative will introduce drought-tolerant landscaping, fresh street pavement, enhanced bicycle facilities, imaginative crosswalks, stormwater infiltration systems, and accessibility upgrades within the designated project area.
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Kassakhian
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
7a. City Attorney, re: Ordinance Amending Section 9.25.050 of the Glendale Municipal Code, 1995, Pertaining to Exemptions to the City’s Ban on the Possession of Firearms and Ammunition on City Property (Najarian, 11/14/23)
- Currently, GMC Section 9.25.040 prohibits the possession of firearms and ammunition on all City property, with Section 9.25.050 outlining specific exemptions to this prohibition. The proposed ordinance aims to introduce an additional exemption, allowing individuals with concealed carry permits to possess firearms and ammunition on designated City property, such as open spaces parks, the Civic Auditorium, parking lots, and, under limited circumstances, playgrounds.
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Devine
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
7b. Glendale Water and Power, re: Ordinance Establishing Electric Rates and Charges for Electric Services provided by Glendale Water and Power Department for Fiscal Years 2023-2024 through 2027-2028 (Devine, 11/14/23)
- GWP proposes a three-year electric rate increase averaging 14.8%, 11.3%, and 11.3%, effective on January 1, 2024, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025, respectively. These rate adjustments will contribute to funding the Grayson Repowering Project, partially supporting the Scholl Canyon Biogas Renewable Generation Project, City Solar projects, Glendale’s commitment to building and fleet electrification, and addressing general increases in costs related to wholesale purchased power, renewable energy projects, and fuel.
Moved: Devine
Seconded: Najarian
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
8a. Community Development, re: Formation of a Project Development Team for Vision Zero Action Plan (VZAP)
- Motion instructing staff to seek a Commissioner from both the Transportation & Parking Commission and the Sustainability Commission to serve as ad hoc members on the newly formed VZAP Project Development Team for the City.
Moved: Devine
Seconded: Kassakhian
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
8b. Community Development, re: Ordinance Amending Chapter 9.30 (Rental Rights Program)
- The proposed changes aim to streamline the Rental Rights Program, providing attachments with the complete ordinance and a user-friendly guide. Tailored revisions address recent concerns over Just Cause eviction, introducing protections for tenants and adjusting relocation assistance formulas.
Moved: Najarian
Seconded: Devine
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None
8c. Glendale Water and Power, re: Glendale Care Program Electric Bill Discount Adjustment.
- The recommended electric rate increases from GWP’s 2023 COSA have prompted the need to modify the Glendale Care Program benefit. This adjustment is intended to ensure that the average adjusted bill benefit for participants in the program aligns proportionally with the proposed electric rate increases.
Moved: Devine
Seconded: Kassakhian
Vote as Follows
Ayes: Devine, Kassakhian, Najarian, Brotman
Noes: None
Absent: Asatryan
Abstain: None