Excessive Heat Warning: GWP Urges Energy Conservation

Extremely high temperatures are anticipated this week, increasing into the weekend. Glendale Water and Power (GWP) is encouraging customers to conserve energy to ensure reliable power. With continuous high temperatures and minimal evening cooling, increased HVAC usage may strain the power grid, raising the risk of outages.

To prevent service interruptions, GWP advises customers to conserve energy while prioritizing the safety and health of family and pets. “During continuous days of high temperatures, making small conservation changes can really make a big difference and lessen the strain on our electrical grid,” stated Mark Young, GWP General Manager. “Our crews are on standby and prepared to respond to any outages; however, we are relying on Glendale residents to do their part and conserve energy,” added Young.

GWP will call Peak Day Alerts, asking customers to conserve and issue Peak Alerts through its Peak Savings demand response program, which automatically adjusts thermostats a few degrees to conserve energy.

To help conserve energy during heat waves, customers can:

  • Limit appliance use during peak hours, using them early in the morning or after 8:00 p.m. when demand is lower.
  • Charge electric vehicles early in the morning or after 9:00 p.m.
  • Set air conditioning thermostats to 78 degrees when home and 80 degrees when not home, considering the health of family members and pets.
  • Use ceiling fans instead of AC whenever possible, as fans cool people, not rooms.
  • Close all curtains and blinds to block direct sunlight and keep homes cool.
  • Turn off lights in unused rooms.
  • Use LED lights as they emit less heat and are more efficient.
  • Air dry dishes to avoid using the dishwasher.
  • Keep refrigerators full, as a full fridge uses less energy.
  • Unplug “energy vampires” like cell phone chargers, battery packs, and appliances with digital clocks that use energy even when turned off or in sleep mode.

Businesses are encouraged to:

  • Shift power-intensive work processes to morning or evening hours.
  • Keep store front doors closed to prevent cool air from escaping.
  • Turn off unnecessary lights in unused rooms.
  • Encourage employees to unplug chargers and turn off computers and devices with digital timers before leaving the office for the weekend.

For energy efficiency programs available to all customers, visit www.GlendaleWaterandPower.com.

To receive outage text alerts and updates, visit GlendaleCA.gov/OutageTextAlerts, or view GWP’s live outage map at GlendaleWaterandPower.com. To prepare for and in the event of an outage, keep flashlights handy, ensure cell phones are charged, keep the refrigerator door closed, and have plenty of water nearby. Your patience will be appreciated as crews work through the heat to restore power quickly and safely. For emergencies, call 911. Cooling stations are available; click here for more information.